
Allow me to walk your dog. I'm the Dog Concierge

A Concierge literally means " keeper of the keys"  or in today's terms it can also mean "care giver".  In both cases My years of raising and training dogs coupled with almost a decade of Hospitality training at a 5 star hotel caring for celebrity's pets will make sure your pet, your family member, is well cared for while you are away.

I live at Kinetic (4814-South building) and wish to offer this service to my neighbors. 

I love dogs and want to make sure they are always taken good care of. I will not be traveling all over the city so my time will focus on Kinetic and the Backyard's dogs exclusively.  I do not have a dog of my own currently, so your dog will not have to adjust to any other " animal smells" when I pay a visit. The safety and well being of your pet is and always will be my main concern.
Each walk comes with a Progress Report emailed to you! 

We can arrange a time to meet and that way, I can discuss your expectations and get  acquainted with your dog. This process will help your pet get to know me.  To arrange a visit, Please contact Patrick at  773-915-3178  or Email:


Regular dog walking hours are 10 AM - 5 PM, Monday-Friday.

A private 25 minute walk for your dog is $15 per walk.
Dog Walks:
  A consistent exercise schedule is very helpful in removing stress in a pets day. All dogs are walked individually.  Once back home I will put down fresh water and give out a treat as a reward. We can provide a feeding if you so choose.

$5.00 for second dog.

A longer, private, 40 minute  walk is $25 per power walk
Dog power walks:
A 40 minute walk is Perfect for bigger dogs who need to stretch their legs a bit more or are known to take longer to do their business.

Puppies –  They need more attention. I suggest  2 visits a day 15 minutes each with a short walk, food and water replenished and some playful interaction to ease any stress
and “puppy proof” their surrounding. $10 per visit ($20 per day)
Running late at work?
 If you would like your pet walked before 10 AM or after 5 PM, I am happy to accommodate your request. This will be billed at the regular rate plus a $5.00 fee per walk.

*the more notice possible the better.

With each house call you can expect the following:

1) Fresh water and approved treats will be handed out
2) A "Progress Report"  email or text update will be sent to owner
3) Blinds/curtains can be drawn to ensure pet’s comfort for any weather changes
4) leash returned /doors checked and favorite toys “rescued” and available to pet
5) When outside your dog will always be on a leash and closely watched
6) I will not walk “packs” of dogs together

Exercise helps a dog's stress levels and keeps them happy!

Easy Payment Options

Payments can be made in Cash, Check or Credit Card. 
Invoices can be emailed out weekly for following week’s service.

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